Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 1...At A Porn Convention

Today was a roller coaster of emotion.  We started with some team training...which was awesome!

The first thing that struck me was that here were people from all over North America and you would have thought we all knew each other already.  Amazes me how people with the same hope and focus of Jesus Christ can connect.  We really enjoyed each other.  The other thing was that we were all normal average people.  I know that sounds weird…like what else would they be?  What I realized though was that anybody can do this…you and I don't need to be super christians, having all our stuff together.  All you need is a willing spirit and a heart to let other people know that Jesus loves them.

The first night of the show was awesome with many cool conversations with people.  We had a lady do the Tebow after receiving her bible, a guy said no to the bible until he saw the cover which says, "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" and then turned around to pick one up and a lot of people who were curious stopped by.  So many people were very appreciative.

One guy especially sticks out…he came up to me, speaking really fast and kinda harsh about how he thought we were there to bash porn and tell them that they were going to hell.  I immediately told him that was not the case.  That we just want to share the love of Jesus with him and anyone else who would listen.    His defenses came right down and he was very thankful for our ministry and the bible I handed him…so much so he invited me to his after party so that we could share our message with others!  Seriously, how cool is that!  That is really what people desire…to know that they are loved and not judged.

Read what a girl in the industry said via email to our team leader...
I (Amanda) messaged one of the industry girls I have on facebook this morning as she posted some pics to be sure she got her gift bag and here is what she wrote back:
Thank you I'm glad you told me I'll pop by the office today. Thank you so much 
I feel so loved

We count it a win here when people feel loved...some, unfortunately, for the first time.

I encourage you to share the love of Jesus with someone you encounter today.  It maybe the only love they receive.


  1. Freaking AWESOME man. No other way to describe it! Have fun and keep at it. Praying for you guys. We will pray for ya guys tonight at ice camp.

  2. You guys rock!! Way to shine your light!! Hope each day brings more great testimony!!
