Monday, February 27, 2012

Evaluating My Goals

Well it is time to reevaluate my goals for 2012 and share my progress...or lack thereof!
Physical: As much as I don’t want to say this...but I am going to have to put the 1/2 marathon on hold for right now. Several factors play into this as I’m having some physical problems with my left leg. I’m doing some strength training, practicing better running techniques, and taking light runs. The goal isn’t dead, just pushed backed. I’m currently working out 4 to 5 times a week which is good but I want to be more consistent in the 5 to 6 range.
Mental: My reading pace is off to a good start as i have finished 2 books out of 24 for the year with about 5 others started. I’m striving to focus on only 2 right now so that I could be a bit more efficient. So many good books hard! I feel that I have done really well so far in my intensity vs. consistency with my children. That is due mainly to the next category.
Spiritual: I have been consistently in the word on a daily basis. I really enjoy getting up in the morning, grabbing a cup of coffee and just reading God’s word. I was doing a plan on youversion but have since changed it up. More on that in another post. As for scripture memorization...epic fail! I haven’t given up though.
Social: These were a bit lofty for the time of life my family and I are going through right now. Therefore I’m focusing just on my family. I have spent more quality time with my children and Rachel overall. I haven’t meet the quota I set but that’s okay. I’m headed in the right direction and they were only guidelines anyway!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Man has it been a long time since I did this! (5 weeks actually) This is something that I need to refocus on and get back in the habit. I don't necessarily feel like I drifted away but I feel more like I zoned in on one thing and forgot the rest.

Let me explain the past 5 weeks like this…have you ever seen people who spin basketballs?  I'm not talking one or two on their hands, I'm talking about the people who spin like 20!  They start with one ball and get it going, then they get a second one going until they are covered with basketballs, all spinning at the same time!

That is what I felt like except for one difference…I wasn't keeping all the balls going at the same time!  Sure, I would get a few going (work, exercising, devotions, family, etc.) and things were looking good.  Then life threw another ball at me…we'll call this one grad school.  As a result I lost focus on the other balls while trying to get this one spinning.  We all know what happens when the person spinning the basketballs looses focus…they start hitting the floor and there are basketballs everywhere!

I share that because life can have so many demands on us that we feel like we can't keep up with it all. We do well in some areas while we stink in others because we can't give the time we want.  As a result we get frustrated, angry or maybe we even just quite all together.  Trust me, your not alone…I've felt all three plus others.

I want to encourage you not to give up on your goals for this year.  If a "ball" drops don't beat yourself up.  Reevaluate, make changes, put somethings to the side for right now, but keep going!  I'm learning that I need to do the best I can, with the time I have alotted each ball and then be okay with that.  I'm also learning that maybe I need to set a few basketballs to the side, for this season in my life.  Then when grad school is finished in May I can come back to them and start spinning away!